How to effectively schedule drivers to profit?


Observing the market of catering companies, one can see how valuable will be any improvement in the work "on the side of the office", because ultimately any turmoil "there" affects the quality of service to the end customer, he is the beneficiary of the entire process of organization in the company. He will receive a delicious and fresh meal at the ordered time or not... Specialists unquestionably recommend supporting internal processes with the use of new technologies. Automation of certain work steps will relieve the burden on the employee, who will redirect his energy to other areas, and the company will gain better use of working time, handle more orders and take care of the customer.

What to automate right away? Smart scheduling of routes and tasks.

"The first area that begs for software support is the division of orders for drivers, with scheduling of pick-up and delivery of packages. This is where an intelligent route and task planner will come in handy. - says Maciej Polkowski, responsible for business customer service at AutoMapa, a provider of AutoMapa #lastmile work and delivery planning tools - Manual planning has so many disadvantages that changing this style of work will very quickly bring tangible benefits - lower delivery costs, fewer complaints and more time for other tasks."

Why not tables? It saves time and money.

The planning program that operators often reach for is, of course, Excel. But who likes tables with rows of data and complicated formulas that have to be typed in beforehand for the program to speed up ongoing operations? Decent planning of deliveries using a spreadsheet is hours of mental work with a database of addresses, orders and good maps at hand. Plus the extra mass of time lost to corrections when one point changes....

Unsurprisingly, such planning often loses out to the notebook and delivery decisions are made by individual drivers who choose how, when and in what order to drive. There is a lot of randomness and chaos in this. And the decisions made by one supplier will not always be the best for the whole company and its customers.This is why automating the planning process is so important and helps so much. It saves time, allows you to manage change quickly, takes into account multiple needs and works for the success of the company.

Tools to automate the job scheduling process for drivers.

A catering company needs to cut costs and do more at the same time. Automatically allocating tasks to drivers, scheduling the order of deliveries and optimizing routes is the key to success. Such modern
and intuitive tools like AutoMapa #lastmile support the work of the office immediately, relieving the employee's workload

AutoMapa #lastmile, driver's view

Each driver, using the app on his phone, can add notes to the order and take photos to confirm deliveries. The data will also be saved when there is no internet access. And the integrated AutoMapa navigation - which also does not require a constant connection - will guide the driver efficiently between delivery addresses.

AutoMapa #lastmile, view for logistician

The operator, on the other hand, gets access to a panel on the computer, feeds it with data and can monitor the execution of tasks in real time. The system archives detailed execution data, which perfectly facilitates the resolution of disputes with customers. Photos (with non-editable time-stamping and gps positions) and execution notes are saved with each order and archived for a set period of time.


‍What should you pay attention to when choosing order splitting automation for your company?

Ease of use and speed of implementation are important, as well as technological support from the supplier. The comprehensiveness of the tool and the timeliness of map data are key, because the whole process is based on them - geocoding addresses and automatically correcting errors that happen to customers, and sometimes cost the courier to get to the next address.It will also be important for the application to work on and offline. Both navigation and data storage should work without the Internet, providing comfort in the use and execution of the order.


How do you convince yourself that this is a change for the better?

In order to better understand the possibilities and potential benefits, you can test the no-obligation planner for a few days. The manufacturer AutoMapa offers free tests of the #lastmile solution along with technical support. All you need to do is arrange a short meeting - a training session with a specialist and compare "manual" work with operation using AutoMapa's #lastmile route and delivery planner. [ Click for more information].

Press office
How to plan drivers' work quickly and effectively to gain?

How to plan drivers' work quickly and effectively to gain?

How do you streamline your route planning and driver assignment processes without hiring additional people or complicated changes? Here are 3 steps to change for the better.

Observing the market of catering companies, one can see how valuable will be any improvement in the work "on the side of the office", because ultimately any turmoil "there" affects the quality of service to the end customer, he is the beneficiary of the entire process of organization in the company. He will receive a delicious and fresh meal at the ordered time or not... Specialists unquestionably recommend supporting internal processes with the use of new technologies. Automation of certain work steps will relieve the burden on the employee, who will redirect his energy to other areas, and the company will gain better use of working time, handle more orders and take care of the customer.

What to automate right away? Smart scheduling of routes and tasks.

"The first area that begs for software support is the division of orders for drivers, with scheduling of pick-up and delivery of packages. This is where an intelligent route and task planner will come in handy. - says Maciej Polkowski, responsible for business customer service at AutoMapa, a provider of AutoMapa #lastmile work and delivery planning tools - Manual planning has so many disadvantages that changing this style of work will very quickly bring tangible benefits - lower delivery costs, fewer complaints and more time for other tasks."

Why not tables? It saves time and money.

The planning program that operators often reach for is, of course, Excel. But who likes tables with rows of data and complicated formulas that have to be typed in beforehand for the program to speed up ongoing operations? Decent planning of deliveries using a spreadsheet is hours of mental work with a database of addresses, orders and good maps at hand. Plus the extra mass of time lost to corrections when one point changes....

Unsurprisingly, such planning often loses out to the notebook and delivery decisions are made by individual drivers who choose how, when and in what order to drive. There is a lot of randomness and chaos in this. And the decisions made by one supplier will not always be the best for the whole company and its customers.This is why automating the planning process is so important and helps so much. It saves time, allows you to manage change quickly, takes into account multiple needs and works for the success of the company.

Tools to automate the job scheduling process for drivers.

A catering company needs to cut costs and do more at the same time. Automatically allocating tasks to drivers, scheduling the order of deliveries and optimizing routes is the key to success. Such modern
and intuitive tools like AutoMapa #lastmile support the work of the office immediately, relieving the employee's workload

AutoMapa #lastmile, driver's view

Each driver, using the app on his phone, can add notes to the order and take photos to confirm deliveries. The data will also be saved when there is no internet access. And the integrated AutoMapa navigation - which also does not require a constant connection - will guide the driver efficiently between delivery addresses.

AutoMapa #lastmile, view for logistician

The operator, on the other hand, gets access to a panel on the computer, feeds it with data and can monitor the execution of tasks in real time. The system archives detailed execution data, which perfectly facilitates the resolution of disputes with customers. Photos (with non-editable time-stamping and gps positions) and execution notes are saved with each order and archived for a set period of time.


‍What should you pay attention to when choosing order splitting automation for your company?

Ease of use and speed of implementation are important, as well as technological support from the supplier. The comprehensiveness of the tool and the timeliness of map data are key, because the whole process is based on them - geocoding addresses and automatically correcting errors that happen to customers, and sometimes cost the courier to get to the next address.It will also be important for the application to work on and offline. Both navigation and data storage should work without the Internet, providing comfort in the use and execution of the order.


How do you convince yourself that this is a change for the better?

In order to better understand the possibilities and potential benefits, you can test the no-obligation planner for a few days. The manufacturer AutoMapa offers free tests of the #lastmile solution along with technical support. All you need to do is arrange a short meeting - a training session with a specialist and compare "manual" work with operation using AutoMapa's #lastmile route and delivery planner. [ Click for more information].