Stay in touch!

Explore an application that combines CB radio and walkie-talkie.

Mobiles, how expensive...?

Always up-to-date information about the route.

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AutoMapa AutoCB is a way to communicate with other drivers

AutoCB is a modern combination of walkie-talkie and CB radio, encapsulated in a simple and functional phone app, with a long and stable range.

Digital quality
AutoMapa AutoCB is a way to communicate with other drivers

You use the app directly from your smartphone, which means no crackling, crosstalk, audio fading, or other interference known from radio devices. And you don't buy any additional device to join the users!

From the area
AutoMapa AutoCB is a way to communicate with other drivers

You have PUB channels (open to everyone nearby) and private channels created by yourself and friends.
This is a guarantee of exchange of information that actually relates to the area and topic you are interested in.

Drive safely.

Because you know what's happening on the road.

From other drivers
AutoMapa AutoCB is a way to communicate with other drivers

‍Freshinformation "from the road" is the comfort and safety of travel. Thanks to active drivers you know what awaits you, and you yourself can help others by sharing information.

AutoMapa AutoCB is a way to communicate with other drivers

What's happening on the road, important and timely, is NOW. Therefore, all information is exchanged hot, in real time. One person speaks to everyone at once, so messages arrive instantly.

AutoMapa AutoCB is a way to communicate with other drivers

You operate the app with a single click on your phone, but if you want, you can connect it to, for example, a selected button on the steering wheel of your car. It will be even simpler and safer.

Broadcast and listen with ease.

And you are part of the community.

One click
AutoMapa AutoCB is a way to communicate with other drivers

With just one click, you can broadcast a message on the PUB (public) channel, which all active users (within a radius of about 15 km) will hear, or a selected other channel, to your specific group.

On time
AutoMapa AutoCB is a way to communicate with other drivers

You have 20 seconds to transmit a message, which is just enough to ask about the situation on the road or share information that may be relevant to other road users. Because it's all about sharing information.

AutoMapa AutoCB is a way to communicate with other drivers

You listen to messages from all your channels. You broadcast on the one most recently used, or the one you mark as active.

One to all.

It has never been easier to communicate with a group.

PRIV channels
AutoMapa AutoCB is a way to communicate with other drivers

The application allows you to create closed PRIV (private) channels, where you can easily invite your friends and talk to them freely.

Private channels are a great way to quickly and accurately communicate within specific groups (e.g. professional drivers from one company, or with friends driving to one place in different cars).

The whole group at hand
AutoMapa AutoCB is a way to communicate with other drivers

You don't have to set up a conference call each time, you select a group and say: one person to many. It's simple.

Queue of information
AutoMapa AutoCB is a way to communicate with other drivers

No statement will get lost or overlap with another. Queuing the information is a guarantee that you'll hear everything, in broadcast order.

AutoMapa AutoCB is a way to communicate with other drivers

Private channels have no limits: neither coverage nor the number of people who are grouped together. Use to your heart's content!